Moving from hand to machine
Our factory has been in operation since 1879, but it was not until 1967 we started with machine knitting. Prior to this date, in the 50s and 60s, we engaged Norwegian housewives spread all over our country to knit the sweaters for us. It sounds like something we have dreamt up but it’s completely true.
Our consistent success with our official Olympic and World Championships sweaters inspired us to expand the business into machine knitting. This department is what later became known as Dale of Norway. Machine knitting enabled us to produce substantially higher volumes in a remarkably high quality. This subsequently led to our international success and worldwide distribution.
It might seem simple to get machines to do the knitting for you, but it’s actually a complicated operation which requires high levels of competence. Our experienced and highly qualified staff at Dale focuses on research, development and the three Q’s: quality, quality and quality.
If you visit us here at Dale, you can witness this all this by yourself. Machines knitting. Elegant garments growing from colorful spools of yarns, almost by themselves. It’s part science-fiction, part magic. Like “A Knit Odyssey” or “Charlie and the Knitting Factory”. We do not have Willy Wonka, but we do have our product development manager, Lorents Tvedt.